City of South Perth Community Development Grant

City of South Perth Community Development Grant

January 2024

Over the last six months we’ve been working on an extended project with a community development grant from the City of South Perth.  This funding allowed us to make significant improvements to the kitchen facilities at the Scout Water Activity Centre, including a new fridge and freezer and purchase of a new door to replace the aged, insecure door to our radio room.

We also used funding from Plastic Free Riverpark and the donation of a refurbished water fountain to install a water fountain at SWAC which has already been put to good use.

Thanks to our small and amazing group of volunteers who have given up many hours of their time to make this happen.








Small Grant

City of Canning Equipment Grants

November 2023

Earlier this year we gratefully received a $500 grant to allow the purchase of two additional handheld VHF transceivers.  This allows our sea bots to maintain direct communication with our support vessels and onshore bases.

These were put to good use during Swanabout, a 30 hour sea scout event earlier this year where youth members attempt to cover as many km as possible.  As the youth members are not under direct supervision for this event this allowed our Leaders and adult helpers to maintain radio communication with them at all times.  In this year’s Swanabout, Canning boats covered a total of 448 km and our two sea boats, Sea Hawk and Southern Star achieved 2nd place and third place respectively.








Boats on shore at Scout Water Activity Centre during Swanabout


Solar hot water system on hall roof

Powering Communities Grant

Powering Communities Grant

December 2021

We were very pleased to receive an early Christmas present thanks to the Powering Communities Grant which enabled replacement of our very old hot water system at our Wilson Hall.  

We are looking forward to hot showers and hot water in our kitchen all year round.

Thanks to our local MP, Steve Irons, for his support of our grant application




Solar hot water system on hall roof


Can Do Grant

Can Do Grant

August 2021

Our Rover, Krystal, is undertaking a community development project as part of her peak award (Baden-Powell Award).

Her project involves creating a native garden area for the Bentley Community Garden.

Thanks to the City of Canning and their “Can Do” grant which has provided funding for this project.






Resilience Grant

Resilience Grant

July 2021

Earlier this year we received a  resilience grant from the City of Canning.  This has allowed our cubs to make a much needed update to their camping gear.

This new gear will allow our cubs to go camping and adhere to the new COVID rules which restrict the number of cubs we can have per tent . . . and I’m sure the leaders will be grateful of the cart to help transport the gear in.

Thanks City of Canning !





“Our cubs can’t wait to try out this new gear at our camp later this term.  Thank you!”


Digital Resilience

Digital Resilience

September 2020

Earlier this year we received a digital resilience grant from the City of Canning.  This has allowed us to purchase a laptop, camera, speakers and microphone for use in our main Wilson Hall.  Our leaders will be able to use this to run ‘virtual scouting’ via online platforms like Zoom.  It got its first use last month at our Group Council Meeting, allowing some leaders to connect via Zoom to the meeting.

With the transition of WA scouting to the new Program, this will also allow our youth members to update and track their progress against milestones and achievements.

Thanks City of Canning !





“This equipment will allow our leaders to run ‘virtual scouting’ meetings and youth members to update and track their progress against milestones and achievements during meetings.”


From the GL

Welcome to Canning Sea Scouts.  We are an active group with youth members across all sections – joeys, cubs, scouts, venturers, rovers.  It’s an exciting time for Scouts in WA as we transition to the One Program, One Journey.  At Canning we’ve started the transition and look forward to updating you more as we go.